ISO audit manager on cloud is designed for ISO Auditors. The app is useful for internal audit as well as client company audit.
The app allows the auditor to:
-Create Audits
-Manage Audits and Status of audit
-Audits can be saved in multiple sessions and hence give flexibility to complete audit over period of time without losing any data
-Facility of creating and reusing -templates for quick audits
-Facility of creating ISO question set and reuse it
-Generate report in PDF or Doc format and Email to potential stakeholders
-Different reports supported – Nonconformance only, Conformance only, Full report, Major nonconformance only, Minor nonconformance only.
-Cyclic audits is also possible
-ISO questions can be categorized as per the compliance or department
-Audit can be done based on nonconformance
For any query or question write us on : [email protected]